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Adult Faith Formation

“We seek to form adults who actively cultivate a lively baptismal and Eucharistic spirituality with a powerful sense of mission and apostolate.  Nourished by word, sacrament, and communal life, they will witness and share the Gospel in their homes, neighborhoods, place of work, and centers of culture.”

- USCCB, Our Hearts were Burning Within us, #17

At St. Patrick’s we continue to grow as a people of prayer, whose faith is vital, grounded in a deep commitment to the person and message of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, St. Patrick’s is committed to ongoing adult faith formation and education.  This formation can take place in a variety of ways and areas to which adults may participate. They cover a wide range of topics such as: Scripture study, prayer opportunities, workshops, community outreach, and parish missions just to name a few.  Below are a number of ways you can get inolved with Adult Faith Formation.  

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©2023 St Patrick Church | 991 S. Waukegan Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 | Phone: (847)-234-1401 | FAX: (847)-234-1433

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