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The Sacrament of Baptism, the first of the Sacraments of Initiation, is our entrance into the Catholic Church.  Through Baptism, we are cleansed of Original Sin and receive sanctifying grace, the life of God within our souls.  That grace prepares us for the reception of the other sacraments and helps us to live our lives as Christians; in other words, to rise about the cardinal virtues, which can be practiced by anyone, to the theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity, which can only be practiced through the grace of God.

Many first time parents have questions about celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism for their child.  We hope your questions are answered here below. If not, you are welcomed to call the parish office at (847) 234-1401 and speak with one of the parish staff about your particular question.

Questions About the Children
How old should my infant child be to be baptized?
Under ordinary circumstances, parents should see to the Baptism of their infants within the first few weeks/months: “As soon as possible after birth, even before it, they are to approach the parish priest to ask for the sacrament for their child and to be themselves prepared for it” (Canon #876).


What if my child is no longer an infant – does that change what we need to do?
A child under the age of seven is considered an “infant” as regards baptism within the Catholic Church. As long as your child is less than seven years of age, the process and requirements are the same. Depending on the understanding and maturity of your child, this might be a wonderful opportunity for them to share in the preparation for the sacrament.

If your child is seven or older, we will work with you to find the best pathway that leads your child to the sacrament of Baptism – and the other sacraments. Clearly, it will depend on the age of the child. In this case, please contact our religious education office at

(847) 234-2179.   If you would like to know more about the parish's Religious Education program click here.

Questions About Parish Registration and Membership
Do I need to be a registered member of St. Patrick Church in order to have my child baptized here?
Yes, you must be a member of the parish. Baptisms are celebrations of the Catholic community where you worship – and so you should celebrate with your home parish. There are always special cases, and for good reasons we are happy to work with nonmembers to provide the sacraments of the Church to their children. In the case of nonmembers, we ask for a letter of permission and delegation from the pastor of their home parish. 

We are not currently registered at any parish. May we register at St. Patrick Church and have our child baptized here?

If you are drawn to worshiping with our community and live within our parish boundaries, you are welcome to register with us.  If you are new to this area and are within parish boundaries, we ask that you be registered at St. Patrick Church for three months befor contacting us about a desired baptism date. Parish Registration

Questions About Baptismal Preparation Classes

What is baptismal preparation class and how can we prepare for it?

For all parents who are preparing for the celebration of their child’s Baptism, we would ask you to please read and reflect on this on-line article, The Sacrament of Baptism: Celebrating the Embrace of God.

Because this important sacrament is an outward celebration of God’s grace, where we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ and the Body of Christ, the Church, it serves as a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the significance of our own Baptism and the difference it has made within our own lives.

Do we need to attend a baptismal preparation class?

Yes. In the Archdiocese of Chicago it is expected that parents who are having a child baptized complete baptismal preparation at their parish. Routinely, once having gone through the classes for a first child, there is no further need to go through the class again for their other children.


What is the parental commitment for baptismal preparation?

To complete baptismal preparation, both parents must attend two classes, each about an hour in length.

When are baptismal preparation classes for parents? 
Baptismal classes are scheduled on an as needed basis. Please contact Joanne Menarik at (847) 234-1401 for more information.

Do both parents have to attend a baptismal preparation class?
Yes, both parents must attend a baptism class if this is their first child being baptized. If both parents have attended the baptismal preparation class at some earlier time or place, we do not require that they attend again providing they can show proof of completion of the class. Godparents are also welcomed to attend.

Do we have to register for the baptismal preparation class, or can we just show up?
We ask that all parents register with Joanne Menarik by calling 847-234-1401.


Do we have to complete the baptismal preparation class before we can set the date for the celebration of baptism?
No, the date can be set in order to allow for out-of-town family and guests to attend. However, you may attend a baptismal preparation class prior to setting the date for the baptism. 

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©2023 St Patrick Church | 991 S. Waukegan Road Lake Forest, IL 60045 | Phone: (847)-234-1401 | FAX: (847)-234-1433

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