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Children's Liturgy of the Word


Sunday's at the 10:00am Mass

Sunday's, during our 10:00am Mass, our liturgy leaders take our Pre-First Communion children to the O'Gara Center for about 20 minutes where we explain the Gospel of the day at a level our children can understand and enjoy.  We enrich this with discussion, prayers, songs and plays.

Our main goal of the Children's Liturgy of the Word is to help our children grow closer to God and His people in a fun and engaging way.  We pray, read, sing, and act our stories to enable children to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ every day.

Volunteers Needed
Are you passionate about children and passionate about God?  If you have a heart to love God and a desire to help children discover a relationship with Him, then you have the two ingredients necessary to become part of our Children’s Liturgy of the Word ministry. You can volunteer each week, monthly, or what ever schedule that works best for you.  
Contact Janet Morris at to get involved.

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