Grades 8 - 9
2024 - 2025 Confirmation Program
Welcome to the St. Patrick Church Confirmation Program! Below are important details about the 2024-2025 Confirmation program and the registration process. Please read before proceeding to registration.
Two-Year Program
All Confirmation programs in the Archdiocese of Chicago are required to have 2-years of preparation. At St. Patrick Church, our program starts in the Fall of 8th grade (1st year students), and continues throughout Freshman year (2nd year students). Second year students will get confirmed the Spring of their Freshman year.
Class Schedule
Below are links to the “First Year Confirmation Schedule” and “Second Year Confirmation Schedule”. Confirmation classes will take place on average twice a month on Sunday’s from 4:00 – 5:30 pm for both first year and second year students. The first day we will have orientation and explain the procedures we will be following for the year, and the materials will be distributed. Regular attendance at class are of utmost importance, so please be sure that your child can commit to this time frame before registering.
Baptismal Certificates
If your child was not Baptized at St. Patrick Church, you will need to provide a copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate in order to complete the registration process. This is necessary in order to be confirmed. If you do not upload their certificate your registration can not be submitted. If your child was Baptized at St. Patrick Church we will retrieve your certificate for you.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition will apply to all students registered for the first time in the St. Patrick’s Confirmation program. Tuition covers curriculum, classroom and program materials.
1st Year Students:
Tuition: $350 (covers curriculum, classroom and program materials)
Retreat Fee: $50
2nd Year Students:
Sacramental Fee: $50
Classroom Fee: $50
Retreat: $150
No child will be denied enrollment in our Confirmation program because of a financial hardship. If you need tuition assistance please call our office at (847) 234-1401.
If you have any questions about the program, we are always here to speak with you. This is a journey that takes the collaboration of the whole family and parish community, and we are greatly looking forward to walking alongside you! Please contact, Brandin Stoy, Coordinator of Youth Ministry at brstoy@stpatrick-lakeforest.org.