2017 Golden Rose Awards

On Saturday, December 2nd, 2017 the Vicariate 1 ACCW (Council of Catholic Women) and the Vicar General, Ron Hicks presented this year's Golden Rose Award to Audrey Shapiro (pictured below).
Each parish in Vicariate One presented this award to one young woman. The recipient should be:
A young woman who is a High School student.
This young woman should show Leadership.
This young woman should portray Spirituality.
This young woman should have gone above and beyond in a service project when compared to her peers.
This young woman should be a practicing Catholic who attends Sunday Mass regularly.
This young woman should be a member of your parish.
Vicar General, Ron Hicks gave an inspiring keynote address focused on Rediscovering Joy. He highlighted how serving others, even when it is difficult, is the joy of the Lord. He referenced insights from St. Teresa of Calcutta and St. John of the Cross and focused on gospel passages from Matthew 25 and John 15. He asked the group attending to reflect on “who and/or what fills your life with joy” and challenged everyone to consider “to whom do you bring joy”.
Congratulations to Audrey Shapiro on her incredible achievement and recognition!

Pictured left to right: Jan Shapiro, Julianne Spilotro, Molly Shapiro, Audrey Shapiro, Lizzie Cole, Mary Kaye Greene, Peggy Gaier, Cis Brogan