Wednesday, January 11, 2023
7:00pm - 8:30pm
O’Gara Center
Facilitator: Sally Willis
Ready to put the struggles of the last 2 years behind you?
Interested in a fresh perspective on nurturing your spiritual well-being?
Gather with us as we consider channeling inner peace this New Year.
Join us for an evening to explore the freedom that can be found through some simple practices to promote peace in your own life and in those around you.
Light refreshments will be served
(Wine and hors d'oeuvres; Dessert and coffee)
No fee to attend but registration is required.
Register online by clicking here or by emailing
Sally has long been a passionate advocate for enhancing well-being in all aspects of life: mind, body spirit. She is a St. Patrick parishioner, health coach, mother, grandmother - all roles she embraces wholeheartedly.