The rapid pace of advances in medical care allows us to live longer and more productive lives than those of our ancestors. But these same innovations can leave us struggling for guidance when we are confronted with end-of-life decisions.
Just as important, however, is the conversation we all need to have with our families: Who will carry out my end-of-life health care plans if I am not able to?
To help with these questions, the Catholic Conference of Illinois has updated its guidance on using advance directives in its new booklet, "End-of-Life Conversations: A Catholic Perspective on Advance Directives."
Advance directives are legal forms that outline our wishes regarding medical treatments we may or may not want as we grow older or are in an accident and cannot speak for ourselves. The new booklet summarizes the need for an advance directive, including the process of picking an agent to speak on your behalf.
For a free copy of the booklet click on the image to download an electronic version.