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Please Join the Women of
St. Patrick, St. Mary and Holy Cross for:

“...Mary treasured up all these things, and pondered them in her heart...”
Luke 2:19

Led by Fellow Women of Faith from Each Parish
Charlotte Ahern & Sally Willis, St. Patrick Church
Maureen Garvey, Holy Cross Church
Lore Nugent, Church of St. Mary
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Check-in and Coffee at 8:30am
Day of Reflection Promptly Begins at 9:00am
Gathering Ends at 4:00pm
$40 per person (scholarships available)
Joseph & Mary Retreat House at Mundelein Seminary
Limited to 40 participants. Questions, Charlotte Ahern, 847-508-3307.
We have reached our maximum number of participants and are no longer accepting registrations.
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