The Good Shepard and
St. Patrick Window

The Good Shepard stained glass window is inscribed, “DONATED BY EDWARD KENNEDY AND WIFE”and the Saint Patrick window is inscribed “Donated By JOSEPH, FRANCIS, RAYMOND & EDWARD KENNEDY”. Edward James Kennedy was born on April 30, 1859 in Lake Forest, Illinois to John Kennedy and Margaret Sullivan. Edward married Rose Anna Redmond on November 28, 1888 here in St. Patrick Church. Rose Anna Redmond was the daugher of Thomas Redmond and Mary Yore. She is also the sister of Frank Redmond, who’s name adorns another window in our church. Rose Anna was born on November 4, 1863 in Vernon Township, Illinois. Edward James Kennedy was a farmer and owned land on Route 60 until 1911 when he moved to Libertyville, Illinois. Route 60, also called Kennedy Road, was named after the Kennedy family. Edward and Rose Anna had eight children; Joseph, Margaret, Jane, Francis, Raymond, Edward, Mary and Rose Anna. In 1917, Edward and Rose Anna Kennedy moved to 235 McKinley Avenue in Libertyville.
Rose Anna pass away on May 3rd, 1929 in their Libertyville home. On May 9th The Libertyville Independent printed “Mrs. E.J. Kennedy, 65, of 235 McKinley Avenue, Libertyville, was found dead in bed Friday by her husband, who went to her room to call her about 6:30 o’clock. Death was due to heart trouble, but Mrs. Kennedy had been in poor health since August 29, 1928, when she was stricken by Typhoid Fever. Her health had been improved during the last few weeks to the extent that she could attend church services and visit the downtown section of the village. To Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy were born 8 children, all of whom survive.”
Edward James Kennedy survived his wife 12 years until he passed on December 9th, 1941. The Independent Register newspaper dated Thursday, December 11, 1941 printed his obituary on the front page. “Edward J. Kennedy, 82, father of Raymond Kennedy, Libertyville Postmaster, died at 6:10am Tuesday at St. Therese Hospital where he was taken Wednesday following a fall. He was retired and living at 235 McKinley Avenue, Libertyville. Mr. Kennedy laid in state at 235 McKinley Avenue until solemn Mass this morning at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church where he was a Holy Name Society member, at 9:30am Father E.D. Loughry officiated. Burial was at Ascension Cemetery.”
Edward James Kennedy donated The Good Shepard window in honor of he and his wife and the St. Patrick window in honor of his four sons; Joseph, Francis, Raymond and Edward.